This news report describes how markets work with the whale legal personhood declaration to provide effective global protection for them.
This news report describes how markets work with the whale legal personhood declaration to provide effective global protection for them.
Carlos Duarte presentation at Blue Economy Summit — An event connecting international leaders from the worlds of science, institutions, entrepreneurship, and finance to discuss the current status of the ocean and […]
CEO Ralph Chami presentation at Blue Economy Summit — An event connecting international leaders from the worlds of science, institutions, entrepreneurship, and finance to discuss the current status of the ocean and […]
Ocean creatures soak up huge amounts of humanity’s carbon mess. Should we value them like financial assets?
Listen here starting 15:00 to hear Ralph Chami
The greatest economic and social value of our ocean lies not in the short-sighted goal of dividing up the rights to extract its resources, but in protecting the ocean’s […]
Listen here to keynote address "Towards an Equitable and Nature-Positive Economy"
Listen here to a panel discussion with Ministers from Nigeria, Liberia, Cameroon and Gabon discuss the problems of human-elephant conflict and engaging around a new paradigm presented by Ralph Chami […]
Listen here to an interview renowned British biologist, activist, and adventurer, Niall McCann and financial economist, musician and humanist, Ralph Chami talking about the wonders of nature and how to […]
Listen here starting at minute 6:10
Listen here to an expert panel webinar hosted by WDC in advance of COP26.
Listen here to a presentation from the Fifth International Workshop On Ocean Acidification Impacts and Economic Valuation, Monaco Scientific Center, October 12-14, 2021
Listen here to Tom Raftery's podcast Climate 21 - a Chat with Ralph Chami
Listen here to podcast
Listen here to a new nature-based economic paradigm developed by Blue Green Future, launched at Davos 2019, and is now being brought to life through Rebalance Earth, working with the […]
Listen here to Ralph Chami present a three minute message on a new economic paradigm with nature at its core that leads to sustainable, equitable and regenerative future.
Claim: Micro-organisms absorb four times more CO2 than the Amazon, based on IMF report. Experts say that the figure is about right, and could even be an under-estimate.
National Geographic