“Oceania is vast, Oceania is expanding, Oceania is hospitable and generous, Oceania is humanity rising
from the depths of brine and regions of fire deeper still, Oceania is us. We are the sea, we are the
ocean, we must wake up to this ancient truth…”

Epeli Hau’ofa, author of “A New Oceania: Rediscovering our Sea of Islands.”

Hinemoana ki uta, Hinemoana ki tai

Restoring our connection to the oceans,
from our high seas to our coastal waters

Conservation International Aotearoa, together with Indigenous Māori, are partnering on the Hinemoana Halo Ocean Initiative. This new and vital partnership will provide ocean protection and climate leadership in coordination with Pacific leaders from across the region.

Blue Green Future is honored to be working with Indigenous Māori and Conservation International to realise the economic and ecological value of Aotearoa’s waters by bringing together science and mātauranga Māori to evolve a five-year action plan with Iwi/Māori partners to direct blue bond financing and investment into eligible projects across Aotearoa’s high seas and coastal waters. As part of this work we are looking to develop markets for the services of natural capital and provide valuations of natural assets based on their carbon sequestration and other co-benefits.

Aotearoa has the fourth largest EEZ in the world (4 million km2), 15x the land area of the country. Currently less than 1% of this ocean is protected. CI Aotearoa is co-developing the Hinemoana Ocean Initiative with up to 10 indigenous Māori tribes as a dual nature protection and financing solution that will promote significant co-benefits, from jobs to infrastructure, as well as the self-determination of indigenous Māori tribes.

Aotearoa (New Zealand), together with Pacific Island nations, is on the front lines of the climate crisis. Globally the ocean is changing, and this is already affecting Island nations. In order to build climate resilience, Pacific peoples are looking towards Indigenous knowledge and western science to achieve climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and United Nations reports have highlighted how traditional knowledge systems could do more to address climate change than many current approaches. The momentum to ensure the full and equitable inclusion of Indigenous peoples within climate change policy and global leadership is now a key priority.

After decades of advocacy, there is growing international support and recognition that promoting the recovery of Indigenous cultures and ocean biodiversity is intimately linked with mitigating the impacts of climate change. Conservation International Aotearoa has now joined this global effort through the Hinemoana Halo Ocean Initiative (Hinemoana Halo). Now, more than ever, as the oceans of Hinemoana rise, the people of the Pacific are also rising to save our ocean heritage. We invite you to join us as we navigate this journey.


The Blue BOAT Initiative (Buoy Oceanographic Alert Technology) is a joint national project between the Chilean Ministry of the Environment and MERI Foundation, which aims to preserve and protect whales, while monitoring the oceans, studying and valuing marine ecosystem services, particularly those associated with the role of whales in the capture of CO2, necessary to address climate change.

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