Join us at an upcoming event — online or in person — looking at how we can make a positive change for the planet
Toward a Nature-Based Economy: Investing in Blue and Green Natural Capital for a Regenerative Future Presented at the European Central Bank Frankfurt, Germany May 23, 2023 Seminar by: […]
HINEMOANA HALO: A BLUE CARBON ECONOMY FOR THE PACIFIC Conservation International Aotearoa has partnered with the Indigenous people of Aotearoa and the Pacific, along with scientists, economists, and investors to create the Hinemoana Halo Ocean Initiative. The initiative will support groups to utilize traditional ocean customs and practices to protect Aotearoa’s coastal waters and high […]
One Ocean Foundation Celebrates World Ocean Day June 8th, 2023 Milan, Italy Bocconi University Blue Economy Summit -- An event connecting international leaders from the worlds of science, institutions, entrepreneurship, and finance to discuss the current status of the ocean and the urgent need to build a sustainable Blue Economy that keeps the ocean and […]
Future Horizon June 8-11, 2023 Sintra, Portugal Future Horizon is a global movement of change agents to raise collective consciousness and bring about a regenerative future. We align opportunity and purpose. We are action driven, with every event being both an accelerator for existing initiatives and birth place of new organisations. We assure success […]
Meeting of the Seas July 16 - 19, 2023 Tenerife, Spain CONSERVATION In mid-July Tenerife will become a world benchmark for territories making a stand for the future of seas and their ecosystems. This time around, the congress will conduct an analysis of the challenges involved in conservation of the oceans in the wake […]
World Pension Summit October 10-12, 2023 The Hague, Netherlands This is THE global platform 'for and by' pension professionals. We discuss the long-term components of vital ‘pension cross-roads’. The 14th edition is themed 'Regenerating Sustainable Outcomes' and is your source for global learnings, networking and inspiration. Connect and engage with your peers from across the […]
The American University of Beirut presents the Health Sciences Talk Series Humanity is facing the twin risks of climate change and the loss of nature and its biodiversity. These risks are linked due to human activity. The current economic model has operated under the assumption that the economy sits outside of nature. This has allowed […]
The organizers and hosts of the 12th World Wilderness Congress are excited to announce that Ralph Chami will speak at the Congress on Tuesday, August 27th!