
Dive into our latest stories and features
August 14, 2024
What's in a Whale? | a conversation with Professor Ralph Chami
August 14, 2024
The tap & the tub: A better way to envision climate change mitigation
April 3, 2024
Building markets for a nature-positive world: a triple win strategy
August 17, 2023
The price is not right

The 2015 Paris Agreement requires all nations to combat climate change and to adapt to its effects. Countries promise to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through their Nationally Determined […]

August 3, 2023
Blue Economy Summit - Carlos Duarte

Carlos Duarte presentation at Blue Economy Summit — An event connecting international leaders from the worlds of science, institutions, entrepreneurship, and finance to discuss the current status of the ocean and […]

August 3, 2023
Blue Economy Summit - Ralph Chami

CEO Ralph Chami presentation at Blue Economy Summit — An event connecting international leaders from the worlds of science, institutions, entrepreneurship, and finance to discuss the current status of the ocean and […]

May 25, 2023
The Trillion-Dollar Auction to Save the World -- WIRED

Ocean creatures soak up huge amounts of humanity’s carbon mess. Should we value them like financial assets?

May 20, 2023
TED Radio Hour - What a Living Whale is Worth in Fighting Climate Change
January 27, 2023
Climate One Podcast - Blue Carbon Sinking it in the Sea

Listen here starting 15:00 to hear Ralph Chami

December 15, 2022
Beyond Trophy Hunting - Born Free
November 12, 2022
The true wealth of the open ocean: a global trust -- The Economist

  The greatest economic and social value of our ocean lies not in the short-sighted goal of dividing up the rights to extract its resources, but in protecting the ocean’s […]

November 11, 2022
COP27 - Ocean X Climate Summit - Ralph Chami: The Value of a Living Ocean to Our Health & Economic Well Being w/ Sophia Li COP27
November 10, 2022
COP27 - Towards an innovative integrated transformative action to tackle climate change
November 8, 2022
COP27 - Nature as an Asset
September 27, 2022
TEDx Fiesole - If Nature Could Speak, If Humans Could Listen
August 10, 2022
Podcast for the Planet: Money talks: global capitalism, ecocide law & financing a liveable future
June 9, 2022
The Value of a Living Ocean to our Health and Economic Well-Being

Listen here to a presentation at UN World Ocean Day, NYC - June 8th, 2022

April 6, 2022
The Future of Nature Markets by Ralph Chami, Marcelo Furtado and Simon Zadek,

White paper to launch the Task Force on Nature Markets organized by Finance for Biodiversity  

June 5, 2021
Indian Institutes of Technology: The value of nature to our economic well-being and economic prosperity
April 17, 2021
Gardeners of the Congo: how African elephants fight climate change
March 29, 2021
Ralph Chami on Nature's Solution to Climate Change

Listen to podcast by Parkview Group Sustaining Wealth

March 1, 2021
To fight climate change, save the whales, some scientists say - Mongabay
February 12, 2021
On a win-win solution for a vibrant nature and a thriving economy - Nexus "Bigger Than US" (BTU) - part II
February 9, 2021
Appraising the value of elephants and whales - Nexus Production - "Bigger Than Us" (BTU) - Part I
November 23, 2020
Valuing Nature: Whales, Elephants, and the Global Economy - at the Institute for International Economic Policy
September 27, 2020
Blockchain Supporting Nature’s Solution to Climate Change


September 21, 2020
Small Elephants Play Big Role in Fighting Climate Change - IMF Finance & Development
August 18, 2020
Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change: Towards a Blue Carbon Economy Future - T20 Task Force

Oceans are both the greatest victims of climate change and its greatest mitigators. This policy brief urges the G20 to strengthen the role of blue carbon (BC), nature-based solutions (NbS) […]

September 15, 2019
The Value of Whales and Every Other Breath
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